Neither Beer Nor There


22 December 2002 04:57

If you can't drink about it...

Getting hold of Doom Bar seems impossible in the far east..well Bristol.

If I can't drink it..reading about it is the next best thing, and this is the best web site for that. Keep up the good work VJ.

Vile Jelly

22 December 2002 10:04

Ah, but thereby lies the problem. Work (I'm working every day except Xmas this week and know I am already slated to do breakfast (6.30am start, on New Year's Day) prevents me from getting at the damn stuff myself. Then, when I get nasty e-mails I can't even drown my sorrows.
No plans for next year yet. Right now I'm just trying to survive on a 24 hours at a time basis and praying for Jan 6th.

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