Don't Have A Cow!

Feeling hungry and thirsty? In need of sustenance?

Well, now is NOT the time to unpack your beef sarnies and thermos of Bovril. The fields that the eponymous path traverses are mostly of a pastoral rather than an arable nature.

Don't be fooled by the innocent 'Ermintrude' pose ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 11
..... they know the route. The know you're coming ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 12
..... they're lying in wait for you ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 13
..... using every scrap of cover ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 14
..... and, in flagrant defiance of the worldwide convention, they have been planting landmines! The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 15

Right. So, you need to keep one eye on the ground and on eye on the cows (who seem to take a malicious delight in milling round en masse directly on the course of the path). Cyclopses probably shouldn't attempt this route.

The path generally meanders across the fields with no particular consistency. However, you do occasionally come across the odd variation:-

You sometimes end up on a track or road ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 16
..... or in a leafy glade ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 17
..... or just wandering past scenic farmyards! The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 18
If you are lucky you can occasionally stumble across a map ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 19
..... or a guide dog. (Sadly no barrel of brandy attached to the collar!). The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 20
Look for markers to show the route ..... The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 21
..... but be prepared to make leaps of faith.

The path actually continues on the right, through those bushes .....

The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 22
..... not that you'd notice if you weren't looking real hard! The field path from St. Ives to Zennor 23

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