The Reporting Team's Christmas Mystery Play 2003

Volume X

In an instant Holmes was tense and alert, his eyes shining, his face set, his limbs quivering with eager activity. He was out on the lawn, in through the window, round the room, and up into the bedroom, for all the world like a dashing foxhound drawing a cover. In the bedroom he made a rapid cast around and ended by throwing open the window, which appeared to give him some fresh cause for excitement, for he leaned out of it with loud ejaculations of interest and delight.

Then he rushed down the stair, out through the open window, threw himself upon his face on the lawn, sprang up and into the room once more, all with the energy of the hunter who is at the very heels of his quarry.  holmes6.jpg (24440 bytes)

Finally, just as Dr. Trehawthorne and the official police put in an appearance, he beckoned to Mrs. Trerichards and we all three went out upon the lawn.

"I am glad to say that my investigation has not been entirely barren," he remarked. "I cannot remain to discuss the matter with the officious police but I should be exceedingly obliged, Mrs. Trerichards, if you would give Inspector Trepoirot my compliments and direct his attention to the bedroom window, the noxious atmosphere and the tracks on the lawn."

"But there are no tracks," Mrs. Trerichards protested.

"Precisely, " said Holmes. "Each clue is suggestive and together they are almost conclusive. And now, Watson, I think that, perhaps, we will be better employed elsewhere."

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