Norfolk Broad(Band)

Andrew Macdonald

28 January 2003 09:48

All right for some....

but I guess you all knew this already.  Ours should be around 2076. With luck.

Vile Jelly

28 January 2003 16:08

Ah, you again. I thought I'd told you to run off and play with your knives while I got on with some work.
Seem to have finally got some e-mails from persons other than you, Helen and your cat. (Not that I have any objection to receiving said e-mails, it was just I was beginning to suspect that you were the only three people still tuning into SSI). I wonder what they'll say, something upbeat for a change, I hope!
Oh, yes, nearly forgot. What's this link thing .....
..... oh, the ADSL doo-dah. Actually, I didn't know we had officially got it yet. You probably needed ADSL to get a real-time connection to the link!
Anyway, I haven't got a broadband modem so I will just have to remain in the internet slow lane. How appropriately Cornish!

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